> 春节2024 > 回家过年还能放假吗英语





Hi, David, we are currently on our Spring Festival holiday, and we will resume work on February 16th. I will verify the information and email it to you as soon as I am back.


Allow me to provide you with an accurate and authentic translation: Dear buyer, due to the celebration of the Spring Festival in China, express mail companies are on holiday.


O(∩_∩)O~ [w]holiday[/w] refers to a day or a number of days when one doesn\'t work. Sometimes it refers to a single day, while at other times it may refer to multiple consecutive days off. Generally, holidays are equivalent to vacations, but [w]holiday[/w] can also be used in the singular form to indicate a vacation.


Today, I can finally go home and enjoy the National Day holiday. I am very happy about it.


1. Are you about to finish work? 2. We have a consecutive 7-day holiday for the Spring Festival. 3. We have a 3-day holiday for the National Day. 4. How long is your summer vacation?


The Chinese Spring Festival is just around the corner, and our company will enjoy the holiday from January 21st until February 7th.

1-83 going on holiday_沪江网校知识库

Rang Duncan... Example sentence: We rang Duncan to ask where he was going on holiday. This title is about calling Duncan to inquire about his vacation destination.


Christmas isn\'t a Chinese holiday, so we don\'t have a holiday for it. The Chinese New Year is equivalent to the Spring Festival in China.


Title: We are having a holiday. Content: We have been eagerly anticipating the winter vacation, and it has finally arrived. It brings us great joy and excitement.


I have never forgotten when we have a holiday. Did you inquire about his plans for celebrating the Lunar New Year?